An archaeological evaluation consists of either trial trenching, topographic or geophysical survey, conducted to inform a proposal for development. Previous documentary work, such as a desk-top assessment, provides contextual information regarding the archaeological and historical development of the area. The trenching is devised to determine the precise impact of the proposed scheme on known cultural heritage.
A mitigation strategy may be implemented to minimise damage during development. Mitigation may take the form of avoidance – relocating the proposed works, or adapting them so that foundations will not impact upon remains. If this course of action is not possible, some kind of recording (mitigation by record) will normally be required. This may take the form of large-scale excavation to record archaeological remains, or a survey carried out by measured drawing and photography if structural remains are involved. If the remains in question are only suspected, or are of insufficient importance to merit excavation, then a watching brief may be requested to record any remains disturbed during the course of development works.
If you’re looking to commission an archaeological evaluation, then please get in touch and we can discuss options.
Case Studies:
Recent evaluations include: